The process of creation
an inspiration
Joanna Szymankiewicz, magic of the silk, silk unique
Natural silk has always been a symbol of quality. It is also the only fabric in the world which has kept its natural character and has resisted the process of industrialization. Today, as before, the stunning beauty of silk can be revealed only if it is handmade…

Joanna Szymankiewicz, magic of the silk, silk unique
The creative process takes sometimes many
weeks – this is the time of experiments,
gathering experiences and painstaking work…
Joanna Szymankiewicz, magic of the silk, silk unique
…and in this way, in one of many silk fabrics, which is 3 metres long, 1.2 kilometre of very thin threads is used in order to create in this place 600 metres of other weaves, which are carefully selected to achieve the perfect result for the specific project. On the other hand, in case of some painted silk fabrics, the colour is selected directly on the fabric through “batik” technique in order to achieve the right colour level and its richness. The project accomplishment is always proceeded by a concept, and never by a final design. However, the ultimate design offers the quality, which is not always intended, but which consists the aesthetic value and the combination of creativity and remarkable nature and beauty of silk.
Joanna Szymankiewicz, magic of the silk, silk unique
Silk can be combined also with other natural goods, such as wool, linen, cultured freshwater pearls, haematites and silver. The fabrics processed in this way reach finally the form which can be used for interior designs or outfit elements. The handmade process results in silk wraps, sarongs, scarves, shawls and ties. They continue to be of great interest to renowned companies and institutions which buy them for special gifts for their valuable guests and contractors.
The site presents a small fragment of ongoing projects.
Silks are created in a full range of colors.

We apply our own techniques and in the handmade process of painting, weaving, embroidering, refining and sewing of natural silk we create fabrics which finally reach its right usable forms. They become unique scarves, shawls, wraps, sarongs and ties.
The silk products are presented in our own, handmade packages and the high quality which is the result of the whole process identifies the unique gifts as something exceptionally exclusive.

Joanna Szymankiewicz
The designer of clothes, fabrics, graphic arts and stage design. Studies at the Department of Fashion Design and the Department of Textiles at The Strzemiński Academy of Art Łódź (ASP Łódź).
She has been working with silk since 1989, using the special internal silk structure, creating her own techniques of painting and processing (relief, texture). She creates collections of unique and useful textiles, combining painting and weaving techniques in innovative ways. The author of textiles and clothes numerously presented in popular fashion magazines, such as “Cosmopolitan” or “Elle”.
Joanna Szymankiewicz
In the opinion of Norbert Zawisza, the Director of the Central Museum of Textiles, an unquestionable authority in the field of modern art textiles in the world, Joanna Szymankiewicz’s works can be compared only to famous Lyon silk, among all the important workshops in Europe.
The author of creative, spectacular artistic activities; she prefers large forms; the author of a paratheater presentation of silk installation Ogrody Pałacu Poznańskiego – Muzeum Miasta Łodzi (Łódź City Museum), Galeria Porczyńskich – Warsaw, Centrum Promocji Mody – Łódz, Muzeum Miasta Łodzi (Łódź City Museum) – Pałac Poznańskiego